Danske Lejere and English counselling
Vi besvarer omkring 500 lejere hver måned med et første råd
Første råd gratisOur help to English-speaking
We encourage all expats to seek legal counselling regarding to their tenancy. Unfortunately, even as Danish law for tenancy includes a lot of rights for a tenant – it is rather hard for a non-danish speaking tenant to know how to exercise these rights. The landlords know this and will therefore be more inclined to take advantage of the situation. The same can be said about the legal system, as the Rent-control-board (Huslejenævnet) won’t accommodate English speakers, it is very hard for an expat tenant to seek the help from the Rent-control-board.
This is especially a problem regarding rent, the tenants deposit, and the general upkeep of the apartment/house that you have rented.
If I get your help, wont the landlord throw me out?
Many tenants come to us with the worry that the landlord might throw the tenant out if the tenant complains about something, or if they seek our help with something. However, the answer is simple and plain that it wouldn’t be legal if the landlord tried to do that, as the law in this area is protective of the tenant.
While you can’t know beforehand if we are able to help you, we offer the opportunity for everyone to contact us, and get the first advice for free, it is a non-binding question so we can either be problem-solving or problem-defining of your specific situation – we will also tell you if it is something we would be able to help with.